Está revestida de fuerza y dignidad, y no le teme al futuro.
She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.
Proverbios 31:25
Ven y comparte con otras mujeres, experiencias y enseñanzas que te animarán a conquistar los desafÃos de la vida diaria. Creemos que Dios le ha dado a las mujeres la capacidad para afectar positivamente a todas las personas que las rodean. Este es un lugar seguro donde cada mujer tendrá la oportunidad de recibir ánimo, enseñanza y comunión. Cada mujer tendrá la oportunidad de servir y extender el Reino de Dios.
Come and share with other women, experiences, and teachings that will encourage you to conquer the challenges of your daily life. We believe that God has given women the ability to affect all the people around them positively. This is a safe place where every woman will have the chance to receive encouragement, teaching, and communion. Each woman will have the opportunity to serve and extend the Kingdom of God.
Come and share with other women, experiences, and teachings that will encourage you to conquer the challenges of your daily life. We believe that God has given women the ability to affect all the people around them positively. This is a safe place where every woman will have the chance to receive encouragement, teaching, and communion. Each woman will have the opportunity to serve and extend the Kingdom of God.

Grupos Pequeños / Small Groups
Conectate. Ve más profundo / Get Connected. Go Deeper.
Nuestros grupos de damas ayudan a las mujeres a EXPLORAR, a EMPODERARSE,
y PARTICIPAR con Cristo y los propósitos bÃblicos de la iglesia.
Our women’s groups help women EXPLORE, become EMPOWERED,
and ENGAGE in Christ and the biblical purposes of the church.
y PARTICIPAR con Cristo y los propósitos bÃblicos de la iglesia.
Our women’s groups help women EXPLORE, become EMPOWERED,
and ENGAGE in Christ and the biblical purposes of the church.