Velad, estad firmes en la fe; portaos varonilmente, y esforzaos.
Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.
1 Corintios 16:13
El Ministerio de Hombres se enfoca en transformar el corazón para que vivan vidas victoriosas como hombres de Dios y convirtiéndose en discÃpulos de Cristo, viviendo conforme Dios manda y llevando una vida entregada y de armonÃa dentro de su matrimonio donde junto a su pareja puedan formar una familia firme y apegada a las escrituras. Dando buen testimonio para poder predicar el evangelio y corroborarlo con sus vidas.
The Ministry of Men focuses on transforming the heart to live victorious lives as men of God and becoming disciples of Christ, living as God commands and leading a life delivered and in harmony within their marriage where together with their partner they can form a firm family and attached to the scriptures. Giving good testimony to be able to preach the gospel and corroborate it with their lives.
The Ministry of Men focuses on transforming the heart to live victorious lives as men of God and becoming disciples of Christ, living as God commands and leading a life delivered and in harmony within their marriage where together with their partner they can form a firm family and attached to the scriptures. Giving good testimony to be able to preach the gospel and corroborate it with their lives.

Eventos Especiales
Special Events
Proveemos oportunidades para conectar y crear memorias con eventos entre padres e hijos, eventos para parejas y también organizamos eventos especiales con invitados especiales.
We provide opportunities to connect and create memories with events between parents and children, events for couples and we also organize special events with special guests.
We provide opportunities to connect and create memories with events between parents and children, events for couples and we also organize special events with special guests.